Be the M.V.P. of Self-Worth

How much do you really value your time and yourself? Enough to properly price your worth?

These are my 3 MVP (Mindset, Value, Pricing) Tips to set the foundation for pricing and charging what you’re worth. I have a Reel on this if you’d like to watch and save it on Instagram!

It’s not always easy to come up with the right numbers, so hang on to these tips, and each time you price your service or product, ask yourself:

M – MINDSET: Is my money mindset in-check and healthy?

Keep track of what you earn and spend, appreciate money, become grateful for it, understand that there is no limit to what you can achieve, and that you deserve to have lots of money and prosper. You get to a healthy, comfortable place with money when you exercise your money mindset (tip: add some money mindset affirmations to your vision board). It doesn’t get awkward to expect it when you know that you are worthy of it.

V – VALUE: Am I making it clear to customers what the value of my offer is?

Do your customers really know what they’re getting in exchange for your service or product in addition to that item itself? Do you offer a confidence boost? Luxury quality? Convenience? What transformation do you offer your customer? What pain or stress are you relieving them from? Make sure that you can answer all of these questions. (My Brand With Intention Workbook helps answer these if you’re feeling stuck.)

P – PRICING: How does my gut feel about the numbers I’ve set?

If you have absolutely no idea what to charge, start at $25/hr. Think about how long it takes you to work. Do the math: 25 x # of hours = $___. Does that feel good and meet your financial goals? If not, try $35/hr, and keep going higher until everything feels aligned; your gut feeling, the numbers, the effort you put in, and the value you offer.

Once I start here, my self-worth gets a boost. How about you? Are you an MVP of self-worth? 🙂

The goal to close a sale sometimes clouds our judgment on how we feel, or if it’s worth our time and energy at all. There’s more to pricing than just return on investment!

If you found this helpful, let me know!

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